An active single culture yeast strain with a blend of yeast nutrients, enzyme, vitamins and trace minerals specially formulated for distilling and making gin.
This yeast strain is based on a very clean strain for a clean spirit, which makes for a perfect base spirit for infusion with botanicals and therefore gin making.
The nutrient is optimised specifically for reliable fermentation of high quality spirit, and the enzyme included is specifically suited for when using non refined sugar substrates.
An active single culture yeast strain with a blend of yeast nutrients, enzyme, vitamins and trace minerals specially formulated for distilling and making gin.
This yeast strain is based on a very clean strain for a clean spirit, which makes for a perfect base spirit for infusion with botanicals and therefore gin making. The nutrient is optimised specifically for reliable fermentation of high quality spirit, and the enzyme included is specifically suited for when using non refined sugar substrates.
Attenuation: Very High
Flocculation: Low
Alcohol Tolerance: 15%
Well Suited Styles: Gin and other neutral white spirits made from sugar, grain, potato, or suitable fruit based feedstocks (apple, pears etc).
Sufficient for up to: 25 L (6.6 US Gal) Fermentation
Instructions: Leave to ferment between 12-28ºC (54-82ºF) ambient air temperature. Cooler fermentation will yield cleaner spirit.
Ingredients: Yeast nutrients, dried yeast, enzyme (amyloglucosidase), vitamins, trace minerals, anti foaming agent.