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Coopers Beer Kits now in stock
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This recipe with pungent botanicals, a smooth yet distinctive touch of juniper with citrus tones, creates a perfectly balanced, crisp and dry colonial Gin.
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Activated Liquid Carbon 200g – For Homebrew Spirit, Vodka & Moonshine production. From Alcotec, the leaders in High Alcohol Technology Instantly soluble. For Alcohol Production and Water Treatment Treats 5-25 Liters Helps to remove off tastes, odor & impurities. Helps keeps yeast in suspension Activated Carbon is used both for filtration during the late stages of fermentation and for its ability to keep the yeast “floating” longer (so it can produce higher levels of alcohol). This is the same sachet that is used in Alcotec’s 21% Vodka Kit. The carbon now comes in a foil sachet. Images may change. The carbon now comes in a foil sachet. Images may change. We recommend using Alcotec TurboKlar 24hr with this product. When used together, they achieve a truly superior finish. Does Not Contain Alcohol
Oak Cask – A distinctive rounded oak cask flavour which is a main component in most whiskies.
Still Spirits Spirit Essences were designed for use with home distilled and carbon-filtered spirit in New Zealand. In countries – like the UK -where home distilling is illegal, they can be added to vodka or grain alcohol.
Alcotec Distiller’s Rum Turbo Yeast
73g sachets, suitable for 25 litre fermentations.
Contains both Turbo Yeast, Yeast Nutrient, Amylase Enzyme and Vitamins.
For grain or molasses based recipes, we have added a GA (glucoamylase) enzyme which breaks down dextrins which are leftovers from the raw materials after fermentation (grain, rice etc.).
For grain based recipes, you also need to pre-treat the wash with Alcotec Alpha Amylase Enzyme (see our Shop sold separately).
Contains complete nutrition for rapid fermentation.
Producing full, rich fruity aromatics, it also includes glucoamylase enzyme to break down and convert starch and carbs into sugars for optimum yield.
NOTE: Alcotec Distiller’s Yeasts are designed for use when making spirit in the more traditional way, ie from grain.