Saisons as a beer style have always tended to be a style that fosters experimentation, especially in the US. This beer combines a traditional Belgian yeast that has accentuated spicy, peppery and fruity estery yet dry character with the best of New Zealand hops and American hopping techniques.
This is a cutting edge beer style that is growing in popularity in the UK and the US. We’ve packed into this beer two hops from New Zealand, Pacific Jade and Motueka characterised by their heavily fruity, spicy lime, lemon zest and black pepper characteristics that work amazingly well with the unique saison yeasts spicy and peppery character. Dry hopping with these hops means that the hop character is super fresh and bright lending a great drinkability to this already refreshing beer.
Our Saison pours a lovely gold with a fluffy white head, an amazing aroma of spicy limes, Belgian esters and soft fruit character explode from the glass. On the palate the body is biscuity and dry with a lovely crisp acidity that cradles the spicy notes to perfection. At a healthy abv this beer is still extremely drinkable belying its strength, the perfect hoppy yet drinkable blend of styles in a glass.
Pours hazy gold, with fluffy white head.
A cacophony of aromas; lime, spice and the ubiquitous sweet character.
Crisp and acidic, spice and pepper, sweet fruit esters, complex!
Finish is long and dry with subtle bitternes.
Malt Extract, Barley Extract, Hops, Hop Extract, Dried Brewing Yeast
2 in stock