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Coopers Beer Kits now in stock
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5% Discount on orders over £150.00
Description: Blackberry, pepper and leather and toast
Alcohol: 13.5%
Body: Full
Oak: Heavy
Sweetness: Dry
Available on back-order
Makes a dark ruby red wine, full bodied with rich tannins. Well balanced acidity and with a taste of the new world Shiraz grape. All ingredients except water are included in the box and this kit makes 23 litres.
Wine kits from Australian Blend are complete – just add water to make 23 litres of wine!
We decided to make a very fruity rose, so this recipe mixes the Merlot grape for its slight hint of plum and other very ripe fruits, with a crisp and balanced white grape for it’s clearer fruity flavours. The balance is perfect for a rose. Drink it well chilled!
All ingredients you need are already included, just add water to make 23 litres of refreshingly crisp new world style rose wine.
Rigid syphon tube with sediment spacer (for preventing of Syphoning dregs from bottom of container)
Suitable for 5 litre demijohns and buckets
Connects to PVC tube
The Merlot grape is similar to the Cabernet Sauvignon, the main difference is that it contains less harsh tannins so this wine is better balanced immediately after it has been made. From the Merlot grape, we get the typical hint of plums and balanced aftertaste. This medium dry Merlot red is a perfect choice to go with most meat dishes. All ingredients you need are in the box, just add water to make 23 litres of delicious new world style Merlot red wine |