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Coopers Beer Kits now in stock
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5% Discount on orders over £125.00
Description: Floral with peach, lychee and honey
Body: Light/Medium
Oak: None
Sweetness: Dry
Alcohol: 13.5%
Available on back-order
The Alla wine pipette, or wine thief, is a useful glass tube that, once steralised, can be popped into your brew, and by simply placing your thumb over the end, you can pull off a good sample of the brew
The Wine Whip degasser is a slightly angled plastic whip that attaches to a standard cordless drill to remove carbonation from wine. This item makes degassing of your wine super easy and super quick! Made from a durable plastic making it easy to clean and safe on glass
Australian Blend White wine kit makes 30 bottles of crowd pleasing new world style medium bodied white wine which is great to enjoy with food. This well balanced white winemaking kit is fast fermenting and can be ready to bottle in a round a week.
Makes a dark ruby red wine, full bodied with rich tannins. Well balanced acidity and with a taste of the new world Shiraz grape. All ingredients except water are included in the box and this kit makes 23 litres.