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Coopers Beer Kits now in stock
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5% Discount on orders over £125.00
perfect hop bitterness with the smooth character of the chocolate and roasted malts.
ABV Approx. 4.3%
2 in stock
Typical of the smooth, easy-drinking beers of the Yorkshire region of North East England. Well hopped, with a smooth & refreshing, full bodied flavour.
Barley and Malt Extract (Barley, Malted Barley, Water) Hop Extract, Dried Yeast (in sachet).
Big malty body with wonderful orange marmalade character the malts are perfecetly balance with the hops
ABV Approx. 4.3%
A generous mouth feel dominated by roasted maltflavours, wrapped up in a rich mahogany colour and capped off with a creamy head
Bards dry beer kits, a easy to make very rewarding beer, light to transport
A nice glass of beer to share with your family and friends