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Coopers Beer Kits now in stock
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5% Discount on orders over £125.00
£17.50 £15.30
Originating from Bohemia.
This is a full-bodied lager for the more discerning palate.
At its best when served chilled.
Makes 40 pints with an of OG 1040 to 1044.
8 in stock
This is a light amber hoppy lager modelled on the full-bodied beer available across mainland Europe.
Serve chilled to appreciate its rich character.
Makes 40 pints with an of OG 1040 to 1044.
contains all you need to brew 23L of Lager. Just add sugar and water. Note: bottles are not included
Bulldog Sparger takes the effort out of the sparging process. With this unit, you can heat up to 18L of water to near boiling, all ready for use with the Bulldog Brewerwhen it is time for sparging.
The Bulldog Sparger connects easily to your pump from the Brewer, simply move the pump over to the valve outlet of the Sparger and pump over the hot sparge water, leaving the other end in the top hole of the Brewer. The obvious advantage is that you can place both units on the floor, or on a table. No need to place the sparge water heater much higher than the Brewer, which is not really where you want 18L boiling water!
Order item only we will inform you when you can expect delivery, around 3 to 6 days
S30 stainless beer pump with tube and connector, fully portable, no need to fix it to a table, it is safely free standing, works best with the S30 keg .