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Puriferm Carbon Turbo
This turbo yeast can produce 17-18% alcohol, using up to 7 kgs of sugar into 25 litres of wash.
Ready in 3-5 days
With addition of a high spec granular carbon, fermentation is almost odorless and the quality of the fermented alcohol is very high.
This fast yeast strain of Ethanol TT and can produce stronger alcohol while preserving better flavor characteristics.
150 in stock
Alcotec Distiller’s Rum Turbo Yeast
73g sachets, suitable for 25 litre fermentations.
Contains both Turbo Yeast, Yeast Nutrient, Amylase Enzyme and Vitamins.
For grain or molasses based recipes, we have added a GA (glucoamylase) enzyme which breaks down dextrins which are leftovers from the raw materials after fermentation (grain, rice etc.).
For grain based recipes, you also need to pre-treat the wash with Alcotec Alpha Amylase Enzyme (see our Shop sold separately).
Contains complete nutrition for rapid fermentation.
Producing full, rich fruity aromatics, it also includes glucoamylase enzyme to break down and convert starch and carbs into sugars for optimum yield.
NOTE: Alcotec Distiller’s Yeasts are designed for use when making spirit in the more traditional way, ie from grain.
A robust ale yeast able to tolerate high alcohol conditions up to 11.5% v/v. Used to produce a wide range of beer styles including Belgian wheat and Trappist beers.
Saccharomyces Cerevisiae – Exceptional strain for full fruit varietal and country red wines promoting good structure, balance and colour.
The majority of yeast strains strip out fruit flavour and colour from the must, not so with VR21 which is particularly noted for preserving and retaining the natural fruit characteristics of the grape / country fruit and enhancing palate length.
VR21 is a relatively neutral strain producing subtle levels of aroma and flavour compounds, allowing full expression of varietal / country characteristics whilst enhancing colour, wine structure and balance.
VR21 is an ethanol tolerant killer strain, capable of fermenting to 15% abv. ethanol. Good production of glycerol, low volatile acid production, zero sulfur dioxide formation and low foaming.
VRE21 is capable of fermenting between 59 – 86°F but best results are achieved when a temperature between 68 – 75.2°F is maintained, unless cold fermenting is desired for flavour/aroma development.
ide range of applications and can also be used when making fruit wines.
Technical Info
Alcohol tolerance: 18% v/v
SO2 tolerance: High
Foaming: Medium
Low production of urea
Low production of fusel oils
Viability: >1.2x 10 CFU/g
During yeast manufacture, special processs are employed to promote very high leveles of the natural compound – Trehalose within the yeast.
Trehalose is a natural sugar produced within the yeast cells to protect itself during prolonged storage and stress conditions.
The very high levels of trehalose acheieved also remove the need for re-hydration before adding to must or wort – there is now no advantage in doing this even for high alcohol wines.