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Rotating Sparging Arm Stainless SteelFits Brupaks plus Any other Mash/Lauter Tun With Diameter from 26CM to 38CM
1 in stock
1681820083 10692 1
T500 is the finest piece of equipment we have seen for the small producer. The quality of the alcohol is exceptional. It still benefits with treatment through an Inline Filter. This increases the taste quality and removes further impurities.
These additions transform the T500 into an Alembic Pot Still. Instead of stripping flavours to give clean spirit like the T500, this pot still retains and enhances flavours. This can be used when distilling washes that contain flavours that you wish to collect. note; you will need a T500 boiler.
Bulldog Sparger takes the effort out of the sparging process. With this unit, you can heat up to 18L of water to near boiling, all ready for use with the Bulldog Brewerwhen it is time for sparging.
The Bulldog Sparger connects easily to your pump from the Brewer, simply move the pump over to the valve outlet of the Sparger and pump over the hot sparge water, leaving the other end in the top hole of the Brewer. The obvious advantage is that you can place both units on the floor, or on a table. No need to place the sparge water heater much higher than the Brewer, which is not really where you want 18L boiling water!
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