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The Spundy from Keg King is a neat little gadget that works as well as any spunding valve on the market. With a low profile – just 4.5 cm tall – the Spundy doesn’t take up much room in fermentation chambers or kegerators.


Spundy provides brewers with the ability to set the pressure control simply by turning the black valve tip clockwise to increase pressure or counter clockwise to release.


The built in pressure gauge lets brewers see exactly what pressure is being held from 0 to 30 PSI (2 Bar).


Spundy’s pressure gauge unscrews for easy cleaning and can even be used with a pre-set PRV (pressure relief valve).

Replacing the valve tip with a PRV gives brewers the advantage of preselecting the pressure they want to hold before there is pressure present.

Available on back-order

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