Still Spirits Pineapple Schnapps (Requires Schnapps Base)
Still Spirits Pineapple Schnapps (Requires Schnapps Base)
A liqueur with a sweet taste of pineapples.
Add essence and 650ml Alcohol @ 40% to SS Schnapps Base (made up as per Schnapps Base Pack instructions. Alternatively 180ml Sugar and 100ml Liquid Glucose. Top up to 1.125L with water.
The Trub Filter is a coarse grade filter bag to remove dead yeast and hop residue before bottling or barreling. This is particularly effective with kits that use dry hop additions and grain brewing. This is a 25 micron bag. Fits directly into 4” top barrels and fermenters Effectively removes a wide variety of gelatinous matter and solids such as trub, dead yeast cells, grains, dry hops etc.
Works With 4” Barrels, Works With Wide Neck Fermenters, Easy & Simple to Use, Can be Used With Liquor Such as Sloe Gin, Re-Usable, Dry Hop Port
T500 is the finest piece of equipment we have seen for the small producer. The quality of the alcohol is exceptional. It still benefits with treatment through an Inline Filter. This increases the taste quality and removes further impurities.
Oak Cask – A distinctive rounded oak cask flavour which is a main component in most whiskies.
Still Spirits Spirit Essences were designed for use with home distilled and carbon-filtered spirit in New Zealand. In countries – like the UK -where home distilling is illegal, they can be added to vodka or grain alcohol.