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Coopers Beer Kits now in stock
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2 in stock
This is a simple, plastic hand corker to make corking your wine bottles nice and easy. So, instead of having to buy a heavy duty version here’s a nice compact solution instead that’s cheap and compact
Plastic shaft. For use in 5 gallon (23 litre) fermenting bins
Power Drill needed
A hydrometer is used to figure out how much alcohol is in your beer or cider. It measures the density of liquid (called gravity). Alcohol is less dense than sugary pre-fermented beer, so measuring gravity at the beginning of fermentation (at the end of your brew day) and measuring it again two weeks later at the end of fermentation (when you’re ready to bottle) will tell you exactly how much alcohol you have on hand. It’s a great way to let a little science into your otherwise relaxing brew day adventures with a hydrometer.
Makes a dark ruby red wine, full bodied with rich tannins. Well balanced acidity and with a taste of the new world Shiraz grape. All ingredients except water are included in the box and this kit makes 23 litres.