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Youngs Burgundy Red Wine yeast 5gm

Youngs Burgundy Red Wine yeast 5gm


Young’s Bordeux Red Wine Yeast is truly a top quality strain that delivers outstanding home wine making results. Some red wine yeast strains on the market will strip out fruit flavour and colour from the must, however the complete opposite is true of this strain. Your wine will retain the viticulture and natural fruit characteristics of the grape and it’s synonymous claret colouring. This yeast will allow you make wines that are full of the balanced soft fruit flavour and character that is associated with traditional old world Bordeux reds. Expect pronounced dark fruit notes on the nose, as well as some spicy characteristics, well balanced wines with good palate length and intense fruit flavours. This medium foaming yeast has the ability ferment up to 15% ABV and produce truly sublime wines suitable for maturation.

Technical Information

Gluten Free

Alcohol tolerance: 15% v/v
Glycerol production: 6g/L
Foaming: Medium
Low production of volatile acids
Low production of SO
Viability: >1.0 x 10 CFU/g


During yeast manufacture, special processs are employed to promote very high leveles of the natural compound – Trehalose within the yeast.

Trehalose is a natural sugar produced within the yeast cells to protect itself during prolonged storage and stress conditions.

The very high levels of trehalose acheieved also remove the need for re-hydration before adding to must or wort – there is now no advantage in doing this even for high alcohol wines.

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