Young’s Re-start Wine Yeast is the perfect strain for completing fermentations that are sluggish or have completely stopped. This yeast has the capabilities to kick start and dominate the fermentation, fermenting to dryness up to a possible 18% ABV. This innovative, fermentation-friendly yeast will start work quickly and produce low foam overcoming difficult fermentation conditions and delivering a consistently clean and fresh tasting wine. This strong, forceful strain is suitable for use with any red, white or rose wine it is easily handled and confers very neutral flavour and aroma characteristics. Due to it’s rapid re-activation properties it will avoid negative wine influencers such as excessive SO production, colour oxidation and flavour loss commonly associated with sluggish fermentations.
Technical Information
Gluten Free
Alcohol tolerance: 18% v/v
SO tolerance: High
Foaming: Low
Low production of fusel oils
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