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Vodka Distiller’s Yeast 72 g

Vodka Distiller’s Yeast 72 g


A specialist active dried vodka distiller’s yeast. This has a unique low congener profile for vodka spirit and gives excellent sugar to ethanol conversion, thus maximising the yield. The strain is highly viable, ensuring a short lag phase and reduced risk of bacteria infection.

Attenuation: Very High
Flocculation: High
Alcohol Tolerance: 14%
Well Suited Styles: Vodka and other white spirits made from sugar, grain, potato and other feedstock.

Sufficient for up to: 25 L (6.6 US Gal) Fementation.

Instructions: Leave to ferment between 20-28ºC (68-82ºF) ambient air temperature for optimum performance and quality.

Ingredients: Yeast nutrients, dried yeast, enzyme (amyloglucosidase), vitamins, trace minerals, anit foaming agent.

NOTE: Distiller’s Yeasts are designed for use when making spirit in the more traditional way, i.e. potato.

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